Ett plank är på gång.

Jordgubbsplantor på rad.
Hej hopp!
Lovade lite bilder på vårt nygamla köksland så här kommer några. Det ser väl inte så kul ut just nu men snart så :). Vi odlade i pallkragar men fick aldrig riktigt till det i gångarna och runtomkring. Och så såg det lite plottrigt ut faktiskt. Så himla stora ägor har vi inte *hihi*.
Snälla Carlos har hjälpt mig att förverkliga projektet och nu har vi ett redigt hederligt rejält köksland med upphöjda bäddar. Runt blir det trästörar som vi ska fästa hönsnät runt. Just för att hönsen inte ska kunna mumsa i sig alla jordgubbar.
HÄR och HÄR kan ni se hur det såg ut innan.

Bredvid planket skymtar vår vedbod.

I kökslandet växer:
Jag tycker att det är så vackert att blanda grönsaker, kryddor och blomster. Hoppas det blir som jag tänkt mig och att sommaren blir varm och skn så att vi får lov att skörda alla härligheter!
Kram Julia


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  • Men så fint!! Ja nu hoppas nog de flesta på en riktig kanon-sommar!! Förra året hade mycket som inte hann mogna innan hösten kom..

    Trevlig helg! / malin

    Dagdrömmar och verklighet 2013-05-31 21:45:11 http://www.blogger.com/profile/03029276551126798863
  • You’ve watched the luggage slide carousel spin around countless times. Your primary bag, Nonetheless, Has yet to exhibit its generic, Deep blue face. It’s gone among the many bags ”Mishandled” By aircraft annually. Search the Coach ”m” Logo very cautiously. An innovative Coach bag bears the C logo in perfect alignment from all sides. Check out the logo from horizontal, Directory, Bottom and top view.There are certain brands of bowling balls available at the bowling shop or any sports stores. Aside from the collegiate bowling balls, You will also find the famous ebonite bowling balls and storm bowling balls. All of these businesses balls has its own bowling ball bags.Summer can be hit or miss when you are evaluating gizzard shad as they tend to be scattered throughout creeks and the main body of the lake. Most frequently I start to work the backs of the creeks before daylight. The shad tend to be shallow, And it pays to throw the beam of a spot light across the actual top ; If they are around you may see them lying near the top or shooting out of the water as the light spooks them.[url=http://www.tvseriesbank.com/index.html]DVD[/url] 5. Fresh lemonade is also wonderfulespecially when created organic lemons, And makes a great pick me up at any timeright when if you are craving the ugly ”Tremendous fructose” In those cola or other fizzy drinks. Cut and squeeze fresh lemon into a glassadd stevia and/or some natural natural sugar or honey or natural maple syrup.[url=http://www.tvseriesbank.com]Dvd[/url] Raise the lower lids up without squinting; The lid should be lifted only along with lower lid muscle. You’ll know you are executing the exercise correctly when you feel your eye muscles twitching beneath your fingers. Aim for this muscle movement and squint up.Every now and then, These bags topple over when hit by reliable kicks or punches. An advantage of this equipment is that it can be simply moved around your house. Freestanding bags are frequently used in cardio kickboxing classes due to their aerobic advantages.Oilcloth bags are both stylish and nicely. You can throw your food stores in them, Go to the farmers’ market for some very end fresh items, Or even bring them how to the beach. Oilcloth bags come in assorted sizes, So you can weigh up which size best meets your needs.[url=http://www.tvseriesbank.com]DVD releases[/url] Examples of the bags include the ’hysteria hobo’The ultralight Sierra Designs Cal 30 sleeping bag will probably be your goto bag for warmweather adventures. It features vertical baffles full of gamechanging hydrophobic DriDown insulation. Down is widely considered the best insulating material available, But when wet it quickly loses loft and option to keep you warm; DriDown is treated to resist seepage.

    Anonymous 2013-05-30 12:34:51
  • Tack snälla rara för fin respons!

    Linnea, vi har dragit vattenledningarna i väggen och har således kranen ovanför själva handfatet som vi helt sonika ställt på en kommod. Vattenrören som leder bort vattnet går genom bakdelen av skåpet och där har vi fått fixa och trixa lite.



    Julias vita drömmar 2013-05-30 09:46:46 http://www.blogger.com/profile/04984674232108754082
  • Hej Julia!
    Så fint ni ordnar det!
    Vi blandar också grönsaker och blommor denna sommar. Hoppas det ska avskräcka sniglarna med!!
    Kram Anna i Skåne

    Bokcaféet i byn 2013-05-29 20:37:05 http://www.blogger.com/profile/17225653523508133581
  • Oj så härligt det ser ut! Underbart att få ha ett alldeles eget land=)

    Gabriella 2013-05-29 20:04:05 http://elephantzoul.blogg.se/
  • Vad fint det blir i köksträdgården. Just det ja, ni har ju höns. Ja, de vill man ju inte ha där:)

    Kram Teres

    Lantligt i smultronbacken 2013-05-29 19:51:48 http://www.blogger.com/profile/06936129855466432940
  • Det ser jättefint ut! Härlig tid vi har framför oss nu.

    Kram Malin

    Design by Tornblad 2013-05-29 19:34:47 http://designbytornblad.se/blogg/
  • Härligt med ett stort köksland! Det känns lyxigt att kunna plocka in grönsaker som man själv har odlat 🙂

    Vi håller på och gör iordning en liten ”köksträdgård” här hemma. Börjar smått med tre odlingskragar.

    Kram Sara

  • Åhhh så fin inspiration som alltid! Det är en ynnest att kunna få äta egen odlat tycker jag ! Snälla rara vill du hjälpa mig med en sak, i ert badrum har jag för mig att ni har ett vackert personligt ”tvättställ” med vacker kommod med handfat, hur har ni gått till väga med att få samman detta? Skulle bli så tacksam för beskrivning då jag tycker detta är 100 ggr finare än alla färdiga konstellationer 🙂 tack på förhand! Vänliga hälsningar Linnéa

    Anonymous 2013-05-29 16:54:38
  • The articleice Machines introduces:This article about How To Buy Commercial Ice Machines For Restaurant,With the introduction of cutting edge and innovative technologies, a commercial ice machine is no longer a bulky device producing insanitation, consuming a lot …

    If you need more ice Machines infomation about How To Buy Commercial Ice Machines For Restaurant, Click here to find.

    With the introduction of cutting ice Machines edge and innovative technologies, a commercial ice machine is no longer a bulky device producing insanitation, consuming a lot of energy, making noise, and taking a lot of time to make the needed supply of ice. As a result of high end technologies, commercial ice machines are able to achieve “being green” the highest levels of energy and water conservation. Now a commercial ice machine can easily produce from 65 pounds to 2,000 pounds of ice cubes in a day. You can find varied shapes of ice cubes such as dice, half dice, octagon, crushed, nugget, and flake.

    Commercial ice machines are the standalone units,ice Machines designed to produce large quantities of ice for various commercial purposes. Once installed, these commercial ice makers are pretty automatic and do not need much attention from you or your staff. These factory-made machines consist of a condensing unit and ice-making section that operates as an integrated unit to make ice, an ice bin or a storage unit to store the created ice and a dispensing unit to dispense the ice out of the machine. Many automatic ice machines use moving water to create an improved quality of ice cubes. They work on the principle of “faster the water moves the better the ice quality becomes”. In this process, the air and un-dissolved solids get washed away. This results in pure and clear ice production.

    Large amounts of ice are demanded for various purposes in many ice Machines commercial entities such as Restaurants, Bars, Ice Cream Parlors, Bakeries, Country Clubs and Golf Courses. A commercial ice machine is the perfect choice for such places as the large quantity of ice also needs to be a certain quality as well. Automatic commercial ice machines will make plenty of ice of equal size in a short span of time. All you need to do is just start the machine and set the required functions, and leave the rest up to the machine. You will get good quantity of quality ice in a short amount of time. In addition, many commercial ice machines come with a self cleaning function. This will help maintain the quality and quantity if the produced ice while decreasing the time that you and or your staff must spend with the machine.

    Keep in mind that there are two varieties of ice machines: air cooled and waterice Machines cooled. Air cooled ice machines use air to disperse the heat, whereas water cooled ice machine uses water to do the same function. Air cooled ice machines use more energy and also are much noisier than water cooled ice machines. However, they are more affordable than water cooled ice machines.

    An assorted collection of wonderful, fast and energy efficient commercial ice makers are readilyice Machines available in the market. Various renowned and reliable manufacturers have come up with their unique range of these amazing machines. Numerous models that create different types and sizes of ice are available in the local and online market. A competitive urge of creating more efficient and cost effective ice machines, has left the customers and consumers with a distinctive variety of these units in which to choose.

    Anonymous 2013-05-29 13:22:04
  • Verkligen jätte fin.

  • Hej Julia!
    Vilken underbar trädgård ni har!
    Snyggt med de röda planket som ramar in kökslandet.

    Ha en bra dag!

    Kraam Jenny


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